
Music Therapy for Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) presents distinctive challenges in communication, social interaction, and behavior. The experience of each child with autism is unique, necessitating a tailored approach.

Music Therapy has proven to be an effective tool in addressing these varied needs through a holistic approach. At Manonaad, we have observed significant improvements in children with autism who engage in Music Therapy.

Indian music therapy, a specialized tool within the field of music medicine and healing, demonstrates immediate benefits in addressing the diverse symptoms and challenges faced by children with autism and ADHD. At Manonaad, our uniquely designed Indian music therapy techniques for these children include Chakra balancing, energy-smoothing, Chant-Therapy, Passive sound-meditation, Rhythmic mentation, Brain sounds exercises, Raga-Therapy, Speech-therapy through Mantras, 21-Om renditions, Percussion play, instrumental-play, and related tasks.

As music therapists specializing in autism, we have identified 30 parameters or thresholds based on common symptoms within the spectrum. These parameters guide our design of musical interventions, which range from 6-10 sessions depending on the severity of the child’s condition. These thresholds serve as pathways to address and heal individual symptoms.

30 Parameters is given below:

  1. Sitting Tolerance
  2. Eye Contact
  3. Speech-related issues
  4. Happiness content
  5. Communication social disorders
  6. Mood swings
  7. Social mannerism low
  8. ADHD involvement
  9. Relaxation content
  10. Anger/aggression management
  11. Stress/anxiety/agitation/restlessness
  12. sensory perception issues
  13. Sleep Issues
  14. Nutritional issues
  15. Ayurvedic Dosha concerned.
  16. Digestion issues
  17. Musical Aptitude and sense
  18. Expressions- issues (Not very expressive)
  19. Brain functioning
  20. Daily-tasks initiation
  21. Depression / crying spills
  22. Motor skills dysfunction
  23. Social tension – Low self Esteem/lack of confidence
  24. Problems with Self-identification, self likes and dislikes.
  25. Low Recognizing love and connection with Close ones/parents
  26. Lack of parental attachment
  27. Traumatic experiences
  28. Epigenetic factors
  29. Problems through Medications
  30. Extraneous variables

Our interventions are customized based on the individual’s symptoms, ascertained through case history and questionnaires. We structure these interventions to be sessional, with short-term and long-term goals tailored to the severity of the condition.

In our experience with diverse groups of children on the autism spectrum, we have noted positive responses, surprisingly within 2-3 sessions. These improvements are evident in their increased engagement, enhanced communication abilities, and more consistent emotional regulation, highlighting the significant impact of music therapy on their daily lives. In some cases according to the severity, it takes as long as 16+ sessions.

Our tailored sessions use music as a medium for expression and connection. Whether through playing instruments, singing, or engaging in rhythmic activities, we provide a safe and stimulating environment for each child to explore and grow. These interactions not only improve specific autism-related skills but also bring joy and a sense of accomplishment to the children.

Witnessing the transformative effects on our young clients, we are firm believers in the power of music to reach and positively influence those with autism. At Manonaad, each child’s journey through music therapy is a testament to their inherent potential, waiting to be discovered and nurtured.

We encourage you to discover how music therapy can bring meaningful change to your child’s life.

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